Tuesday 19 April 2011

Truth or consequence

I got a phone call from the doctor's office today asking me to attend an urgent consultation. I had a blood test done on saturday and the results were in. The last time the doc called me back was when I was diagnosed with diabetes 12 months ago. I  had been down last week really really ill from what I thought was a virus that had been going around. I had never been so sick in my life. As it turned out, my liver had flared up and the enzine readings were extremely high. I think these enzine readings are associated with such things as tumours, nodules etc, which could mean that I have a tumor of some description. Given that I have cirrohssis of the liver, there is a high possibility that one of the cirohssed nodules may have turned on me. It is easy to think that the cirrohsis relates to my drinking days, but it is not. I have been sober way too long to have it now. Even if I had some cirohsis when I put down the drink, it would have healed by now.
What happened to me back in 1990 when I gave birth to my son was I believe the contributing factor. The arrogance and ego of medical staff that they knew better, nearly cost me my life. The dam doctor had failed to recognise that my afterbirth had noot discharged and as a result i lost over three quarters of my entire blood supply. Poor ray was running around the hospital trying to get someone to take a look at me in which he was brushed off as a neurotic new father. On the third attempt he managed to get a doctor who was doing his morning rounds. The doctor had initially refused on the grounds that I was not his patient. Out of sheer frustration, ray grabbed this doctor by the scruff of the neck and demanded that he look at me. As the doctor stormed off in the direction of my room he muttered " I bet there is nothing wrong." When he entered my room he gasped in shock spun on his heel and went screaming down the corridor to raise the alarm.

To cut a long storu short I was taken to surgery where a curette was performed, but I also believe a blood transfusion was also done without my knowledge or consent. When I began looking into this I found that there were 6 units of blood next to my name. The file is not matching up to my son's birth certificate. My medicare file has been falsified and according to the hospital I was not transfused despite the fact that there was a problem with blood that was infected with the hep c virus at the time and it just so happened to be the same strand that I had. There is every indication that there many others that have been infected also. Might I add they had not implemented the testing of patients or blood despite the laws already having been put into place.

Whether or not this will ever be investigated I don't know. I at one point sent hundreds of letters out stating that the gosford hospital had infected me with the hep c virus through faulty blood products. I recieved a phone call from the then ceo john blackwell who said that we know it is you that is sending out the letter. he added "we may have to take action against you." I laughed at him and said "yeah you may have to." I explained the descrepencies that I have found with the hospital file and went for a round the table meeting with senior executives of the hospital. For some ungodly reason they think that I am a dumbass and that I will simply take their word on things. Yeah right, as if they are going to admit to anything.
I have testafied as senate enquiries, written to  politicians, and media to no avail. whether I will get any justice in this situation willyet to be seen. I couldn't have any more children, my health has been seriously undermined and it has affected my working capacity. It seems that I may have told the truth but I am suffering the consequences for having done this. I often say that being honest in a dishonest world is very hard. I can only speak my truth even if I can't change the circumstances or events. I can only pray that whatever is going on with the liver at present is nothing to worry about, it is in gods hands now.

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