Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Blessed with another day

One of the things that I found fascinating with catching up with old friends is what you learn about others. People who ahve gone through a divorce, had children, have grandchildren, succeeded in their careers or failed, or simply have passed away. I was quite surprise to hear that that narwee boys high is no longer and they have demolished it. I just can't imagine what it would look like. Riverwood anglican church opposite the Legions Club has also been demolished. I was christened there back in 1992. It was always something that I had wanted to do for myself. Glad and dad were practising atheists and given the volatile environment that I lived in at the time, you ran the risk of getting persecuted further for having any sense of faith. You could say the F*** word in our house but if you said the G** word look out.Often it resulted in you getting a backhand somewhere along the line. I wan't entitled to an opinion neither without ridicule. I had survived 22yrs or longer in shut down mode, but ironically when I drank it would all spew out. I became opinioniated to the extreme, obnoxious and agressive all things that were never expressed correctly and were bottled up within me. I suffered fro chronic lonliness back in those days.

I came to realise not that long ago that if what I had been experiencing growing up was that painful, then my siblings must have at some point experienced the same at some level. We all have different ways of dealing with things, but jamies was to scapegoat on me and so was glads. She blamed me once for the failure of her marriage, she always referred to me as fat which resulted in serious food issues later on. I also was always told that I was too dumb to do anything. When I first entered into uni to do my arts degree I found myself wondering what I was doing there. A friend of mine who was in my class had told me that the uni would not have accepted my enrolment unless they didn't think I could do it. This stopped me in my tracks as it was a contadiction to the old tapes in my head that had told me that I was not smart enough or good enough to do this. This programming came from my mother and brother who had their own inadquacies.

I remember an event that occured on my 9th birthday in which I had a birthday party. A party table had been set up inside because it had been raining all day. I had invited my friends from school including a girl Rhonda G. Everything was going smoothly until jamie turned up and began terrorising us all. Glad was in the kitchen and could hear what was transpiring and conveniently turned a blind eye. As jamie began to ridicule me in front of my guests, rhonda piped up and gave him a lip full. This resulted in jamie belting rhonda across the face and head. As she began to cry the room went quite and glad came running in and took her away to try and soothe her. I have never felt so humiliated in my life. My party was in ruins and I just wanted to find a hole and crawl into it. When I met up with rhonda at school the following monday, her mother had sent a message to glad saying that if jamie ever touched her daughter again she would have him charged with assault. Needless to say rhonda was never allowed back at my house again.

I am just relieved that jamie never had children because he would end up having them removed from community services. He already has a failed marriage behind him and no doubt this new girl will soon find out his true nature. I am convinced that jamie's thinking is defined as criminal in nature and he will no doubt one day find himself in jail for defrauding money somewhere along the line. It is my understanding that he owes people money and has never paid it back. For someone who was kicked out of home in the 80's by dad because he refused to get a job and go to work after he ran his business into the ground, it is amazing that he ended up with dad's house, money, investments, everything. The solicitor that represented both him and jenny when both dad and glad died, had taken the term criminal lawyer literally. Mr Tipple aka Mr Nipple, either way he is a prized boob, is just as dishonest as what jenny and jamie are. Who engages a criminal lawyer for a probate matter, you do the maths and then explain it to me. He arrived on my front door step to have me sign a document in relation to dad's estate, then knowing full well that I existed and that I had not been in formed of gad's death, he takes glad's estate and has it executed in the courts. Not only does it indicate what a complete prick Mr Nipple is but it also indicates that both jenny and jamie had given not one thought to cameron who is the one and only grandchild and any entitlements that he may have been entitled to. This was all about their greed and what pigs they really are.

thats me for now

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